Visual studio community compatibility for mac

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Read through the license agreement carefully.Click Next to proceed to the License Agreement page.Execute the downloaded Visual Paradigm installer file.You can run Visual Paradigm by double clicking on it directly.

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To install Visual Paradigm in Applications folder

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You may want to download again or read the next section for the installation procedure of such an installer. If not, it's possible that the installer has no JRE bundled. Your installer file should have a filename that ends with _OSX_WithJRE.dmg. In this chapter, we will go through the installation of Visual Paradigm both with installer (.dmg) and InstallFree (.tgz). If you are using the InstallFree version, you just need to unzip it and run Visual Paradigm directly. Having downloaded the installer of Visual Paradigm, execute it, run through the installation to install Visual Paradigm.